5 tips to keep your artificial turf like the first day

All models of Artificial Turf are made to dedicate the least possible time for maintenance, but if you want to avoid deterioration of this surface you should keep in mind some recommendations.
Key guidelines for artificial turf maintenance
If you want to guarantee the durability of the artificial turf in any space, do not forget to perform some simple care. Thus, you will keep your initial appearance as the first day and keep for many years the good condition of the artificial turf in your garden, terrace, balcony, etc.
RealTurf advises you to follow these steps in the artificial turf cleaning:
Whether with hose or sprinkler irrigation you can clean dust and other dirt that accumulates on the artificial turf.
When the temperature increases in summer, we recommend watering the artificial turf for at least two minutes to cool the fibers and keep the filler in the hot weather.
What to do when we spill liquids on artificial grass like coffee, tea, beer, …? You should always act immediately to completely remove the stain with water.
Then wash with soap and rinse and then dry. As specialists in these surfaces we recommend using a mixture of water and 3% ammonia in strong spots, while in other oilseeds you can clean with perchlorethylene. In case you need to remove chewing gum apply ice.
It should also be accompanied by ballasting that complements lawn hygiene. Always brush against the grain to prevent the filling composed of silica sand.
To recover the splendor of the curls you can use a rake or a blower for leaves. This will easily eliminate the branches and dirt that accumulate. Then complete the fill at least twice a year with quartz sand. This will achieve a better recovery of the fibers and will always keep the surface uniform.
You also have the opportunity to apply products as special herbicides. With this you will prevent the appearance of these herbs that can spoil the artificial turf. In the market you will find diluted and 1% peroxide solutions that mixed with water will prevent mold, moisture and fungi.

Other useful recommendations for keeping your artificial turf
In any of the models of our RealTurf 2017 Collection (Nature, Absolute, Island 40mm, Spring, Newfoundland, Albatross, Oasis and many others, such as sports designs for playgrounds) will be important follow other tips for artificial turf that ensure resistance and decorative splendor:
Perform artificial turf maintenance and repair the joints as soon as possible, leaving no separation in the ground.
Avoid footprints with dirty shoes or mud. It is also not advisable to step on gum or glass in the soles.
It controls the drainage in times of rains so as not to generate accumulation of water.
Check with RealTurf technicians to learn more about maintenance and how to dress your garden with high quality models in multiple artificial turf collections.
Eliminates organic waste, insects and other waste with solutions composed of white vinegar and water in equal proportions.
Do not use hot objects, cigarettes, or fireworks on these synthetic surfaces.
Vacuum snow and ice with a blower without sweeping the artificial turf. Neither do we recommend using snow throwers to conserve fibers better, because they can be destroyed with the mechanical action of these elements.
Find the design you are looking for in our website and follow the 5 tips to keep your artificial turf like new!