Babies and artificial grass

Have you just had a baby and you are wondering if having artificial turf at home can be harmful for him? The answer is no. Artificial grass has a lot of advantages for your baby and for you too.
One of the main features of artificial grass, besides its beautiful esthetic and versatility, is that it is very easy to maintain. It does not require a lot of work, and this will be very useful in the early years of your child.
Why is artificial grass an advantage for your baby?
We know that in the early years, any situation can be an issue and a risk for your baby. That is why in Realturf we have adapted our turfs to all the situations:
- Our artificial grass is totally synthetic, and therefore, there is no danger your children can find little insects walking on the grass or that they can be bitten.
- If your baby is learning to crawl or walk, you can be relaxed, as the high temperatures do not heat up considerably the artificial grass. By using our Fiberfresh Technology, it will maintain the moisture on the yarn and will reduce the temperature on the surface.
- Thanks to our MaxDrain Technology, your baby will not get wet or get dirty after a rain fall.
- With our Fireproof Technology you will not have to worry about fire.
- Besides, our turf incorporates SoftLand Technology. If your baby falls over trying to walk, you can be calm because our turf will cushion the drop.
Which artificial grass do we recommend for this purpose?
From Realturf we recommend short pile grass, because it is specifically designed for environments with a lot of traffic. This kind of turf is resistant and will allow your children to run and play easily.
In Realturf, we are quality artificial turf leaders and we are awarded with the distinctive Spanish Origin Certified. Besides, we use the latest technologies to design and develop our products. Our target is to satisfy our customer needs.
Would you like to know more about Realturf artificial grass?
Please get in touch with us and we will make your life easier.