Discover the turf artificial turf of Real Turf. Do not worry about the chlorine in the artificial turf since its technology does not deteriorate it
Do you like to play paddle? It is the second most practiced sport after football. Discover the advantages of padel fields with artificial turf
Decoration of artificial turf on terraces to achieve a surface similar to natural, but with greater strength and ease of recovery. It achieves very welcoming environments.
RealTurf has the most important types of artificial turf and advises you to know which to choose. For any query about artificial turf ask us without commitment
The installation of artificial grass on tiles is not difficult, we tell you step by step how to do it and what kind of grass to choose to make it perfect
Due to the different meteorological phenomena, the artificial surfaces with artificial grass perfectly support all the variations of the climate
Discover artificial turf for children. In different colors: blue, red, yellow, green. Because of their resistance, they are perfect for all types of parks
Artificial turf and cheerful mood are a perfect tandem "cause and effect" thanks to the state of well-being that induces green color, according to psychologists.
Artificial grass cleaning, care, maintenance and things to avoid. Everything you need to know to keep the grass always like new