How do we know when to change artificial turf?

If you are an artificial turf user or a potential buyer, you might probably wonder what the life expectancy of an artificial grass system is.
A quality artificial turf can easily last over a decade. This will depend on the maintenance and the kind of artificial grass you choose. Read the following information to have a better understanding.
When should we change artificial turf?
Water paddles appear
Over time after installed artificial turf, it might happen that water paddles appear. If you see this problem, you should think about making a change as the drainage of the systems could be failing. The carpet is probably coming to its end. But do not worry, with RealTurf artificial grass, this will happen after a long time.
Fibers star to fade
Other sign to change the turf is when fibers start to fade. It is very important for fibers to have a strong UV protection. For example, Realturf uses sunshine- proof fibers with a protection layer.

There is no doubt that installing artificial grass is the right decision, but to guarantee a long life, you must bet for quality. The key question is to know what your artificial grass purpose is, in order to get the right choice for your needs.
Maintenance to increase artificial turf’s life
After installing artificial turf, a minimum maintenance is necessary. If you follow the manufacturer’s recommendations the life expectancy will increase. The most you take care of it, the most you will amortize what you paid for it.
How to choose the right artificial turf can be a difficult decision. As follows we give you some advice. You must always bear in mind its purpose!
Realturf products
If you look for a low pile turf, BasicPlus product is the best choice. It is perfect for terraces, balconies or commercial areas. It has a very easy installation and it does not need infill. Isn’t this good?
Other option is to choose a medium pile turf as Terranova turf. It is a wonderful option if you have pets at home. Terranova is a mix of a C shape filament and root texturized yarn. As BasicPlus, it does not need infill. It has a wide thickness that makes fibers keep straight.
Finally, if you need a high pile turf, with Nature turf, you will get a product with the latest technologies as Soft Max Technology and Body Shape C Technology. It is a 60 mm high pile range with nice and live colors. With this product you will always have a perfect garden!