How safe is artificial grass?

Product safety is a global discussion issue. In Realturf we think that it is socially irresponsible and immoral to market products that could have a harmful effect on public health.
Safety has been one of our priorities since we started the company in 2002. When we talk about safety, we must bear in mind that people are the most important thing and make sure all our products can be used without any health risk.
We asked Textile Industry Research Association (AITEX) from Alicante to test our artificial grass so they could prove our products’ safety. They used the EN71-3201 norm to do so, an European norm that applies to toys and is one of the strictest norms in the areas of safety. This norm states that products can only be considered safe if there are zero PAHs or any other harmful substances that can be released when playing with toys.
In 2018 it was shown that all our products meet the EN71-3201 norm. Therefore, all our new 2019 Collection is absolutely safe.
If you are interested in knowing more about this research, contact us.
As regards the environment, Realturf artificial grass is produced in Spain, and as we explained before, is guaranteed to be safe for people, but also for the environment. We do not use any heavy metals or other environmentally unfriendly substances in our artificial grass nor in the production process. Depending on the quality chosen and with proper maintenance, artificial grass can be very long-lasting, which makes it even more sustainable.
All our products and components meet the strict EN71-3201 norm., this means we can certainly say that Realturf artificial grass is just as safe as kid toys. Besides, we are an eco-friendly company and meet the ISO 14001 norm.
If you are thinking about installing artificial grass, don’t hesitate, contact us and we will make your life easier!