Maintenance tips
A minimum of regular care and maintenance is required for REALTURF products to perform properly and to become an ideal surface.
Maintenance is not a luxury but a necessity for our customers to enjoy a surface in perfect condition and for longer. The following information is intended to help, as well as to maximize the useful life and operation by prolonging the installation, ensuring satisfactory use to maintain the natural appearance and beauty of your installation.

Synthetic fibers should be brushed weekly with a plastic bristle brush to keep them straight and easily remove leaves and other surface debris.
Depending on the amount of activity that has been carried out on the surface, it will have to be brushed more or less frequently.

Sewer system
If necessary, help the drainage by using a sponge roller, although this is quite unlikely in a porous installation.
The drainage system, network of pipes, manholes and collectors, must be checked and cleaned with due frequency.

Dust can settle on the surface of the lawn, so it is advisable to wash it with a hose for a few minutes. In addition, irrigation will help maintain an ideal temperature over the entire surface. This will keep the grass always fresh, bright and with all its color.

Synthetic flooring freezes at temperatures below -5ºC. It is advisable not to use the surface in these conditions. If its use is unavoidable, vaporized dry salt can be applied. The application dose can be approximately 0.15Kg / m2. Under no circumstances should salt stone be applied.
Heavy snowfall should be removed using wooden shovels, avoiding sharp metal or plastic shovels at all costs.

Bacterial build-up is generally not a problem with artificial grass that is cleaned frequently. If you think bacteria are present, you can use our enzymatic cleaner to remove the bacterial spore build-up. In addition, thanks to its triple effect you will sanitize the surface, help to dissipate the static charge and give the surface a smell of freshly cut grass.
If the area is small, such as a place where your pet urinates frequently, you can use our enzymatic cleaner in a spray bottle. If you want to treat the entire lawn, you can use a garden hose attachment to treat larger areas.
The handling and use of chemical cleaners in general must be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. In case of doubt or for further clarification, please consult Realturf.

- Artificial grass is attacked by solvents, acids and in general petroleum derivatives, avoid spillage of these products.
- Although it does not spread flames, it is burned by the action of cigarettes, matches and any element of flame or excessive heat, sparks, etc. In the event of burns, notify the installer for immediate repair, replacing the affected part with a new one.
- Avoid vehicle traffic over 1,000Kg in weight. Do not use vehicles with spike wheels or chains.
- Do not store materials, such as drums, wood, etc.
- If garbage and mud are allowed in, it will affect the behavior of the artificial grass surface.
- Cleaning costs are high, so it is advisable to monitor and control these restrictions. The client who does not put them into practice, or ceases to be vigilant, must accept responsibility for any future pavement defects.

To remove stains, it is advisable to act quickly, since fresh stains are always easier to remove than dry ones.
- Remove any solids with the help of a plastic spatula.
- Blot excess liquid with copious paper towels or an absorbent cloth, which can be swept up or vacuumed later.
There are different types of stains:
- Stains that can be removed with the “Realsmell” Enzyme Cleaner: coffee, tea, juice, cocoa, watercolors, milk, ice cream, ketchup, food coloring, mustard, margarine, butter, beer and Coca-Cola. Enzyme Cleaner can be used freely on the surface:
- For manual spraying, shake the product and apply it directly to the surface. Let it act and brush the surface of the lawn to make it straight. If desired, it can be rinsed with water, or left to dry.
- For spraying with a hose, connect the hose to the container, keeping the water flow closed. Open the water in the hose gently (minimum pressure 3 bar) and then open the red tap on the sprayer. Then open the black tap that will automatically mix a proportion of 2% of the product with the water. Finally, in an upright position, apply on the lawn. Brush and let dry.
One bottle of 750ml container with hose connection (mixes 2% with water) can clean up to 400m² of surface.
- Stains that are removed with cleaners that include chemicals such as pH neutral dry-cleaning fluids are: asphalt, ballpoint ink, shoe polish, cooking oil, lipstick, floor wax, suntan oil, motor grease, and chewing gums. They should only be applied by rubbing with an impregnated cloth to minimize possible effects on the sub-base.
- These cleaners should be applied sparingly, using a damp cloth and taking care to avoid penetrating the lawn.
- Before the use of any chemical substance, the RealTurf technical team should be consulted.
- Chewing gum can be eliminated with the use of our Enzymatic Cleaner “Realsmell” or by freezing. Floor cleaning sprays or refrigerants can be used for this purpose. When using these products, it must be ensured that the instructions for use are strictly observed.
- To clean animal residues, the Enzymatic Cleaner “Realsmell” should be used shaking the product to spray it directly on the surface. Letting it act for a few minutes and scrubbing with the brush against the grain to help make the lawn straight. The Enzymatic Cleaner “Realsmell” with double action that cleans and eliminates bad odors, produces bacterial enzymes that act by degrading organic matter. After application, the grass will have a pleasant aroma.